Incorporamento del linguaggio e processo di soggettivazione. Alcune osservazioni tra filosofia e scienze cognitive
Gestures, body's movements, the voice are not merely tools to express a meaning that resides somewhere else; instead, they are inherently meaningful because they bring a semantic atmosphere that recalls the experience of language games. The later Wittgenstein's philosophy rejects a metaphysics of meaning and brings it back in ordinary life. Thus the body that goes into a relationship with the others in the semantic space of the language-games plays a key role. The body engaged in social activities is always crossed by the meanings. This body's exposure to the meanings changes the Self and structures the individual. Rather, it establishes a dynamic between the subject and the semantic context which oscillates between semantic order accepting and desiring for transformations. There are strong points of contact with Maturana's thinking who has developed a philosophy of human living systems: he says that such systems construct one’s own Self and one’s own ecological niche in social structural coupling and inside a linguistic domain. This construction is open to an ontogenetic drift and possible changes.Downloads
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How to Cite
La Licata, E. (2010) “Incorporamento del linguaggio e processo di soggettivazione. Alcune osservazioni tra filosofia e scienze cognitive”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 0(2), pp. 60-73. Available at: (Accessed: 31March2025).
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