Normative accounts of assertion: from Peirce to Williamson, and back again

  • Neri Marsili


Arguably, a theory of assertion should be able to provide (i) a definition of assertion, and (ii) a set of conditions for an assertion to be appropriate. This paper reviews two strands of theories that have attempted to meet this challenge. Commitment-based accounts à la Peirce define assertion in terms of commitment to the truth of the proposition. Restriction-based accounts à la Williamson define assertion in terms of the conditions for its appropriate performance. After assessing the suitability of these projects to meet the desiderata of a theory of assertion, I argue that a speech act theoretic account à la Searle is more suitable for this purpose: it integrates the core intuitions of both restriction-based and commitment-based accounts while avoiding their respective problems, and has the further advantage of determining how assertion fits into a more general theory of illocutionary acts.


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How to Cite
Marsili, N. (1) “Normative accounts of assertion: from Peirce to Williamson, and back again”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 0(2). Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).
Sezione 2. Atti linguistici, teoria della proposizione e pragmatica del linguaggio