New circumstances of free speech: non-verbal political communication

  • Daniel Gamper Sachse
Keywords: free speech, caricature, public opinion, liberalism, polarization


The text explores the transformations of the public sphere, moving from social networks to social media. It analyzes freedom of expression as a liberal tool to mitigate social tensions and emphasizes its evolution in contemporary debates. It delves into a phenomenology of freedom of expression, considering its role in democracy and
current controversies. It focuses on non-verbal freedom of expression, examining the role of political cartoons in the current European context. Finally, it questions whether these new circumstances signify a trivialization of freedom of expression in the digital era, which has become a divisive and polarizing tool.


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How to Cite
Gamper Sachse, D. (2024) “New circumstances of free speech: non-verbal political communication”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. doi: 10.4396/20240613G.