Tornare alle fonti nell’arte del tradurre. Scholem sull’jiddish, Rosenzweig sull’ebraico arabizzante

  • Irene Kajon


The article shows how for Scholem and Rosenzweig to translate a
language which is used by the Jews in the Diaspora – like Jiddish or Arabic Hebrew – requires not only a deep knowledge of Hebrew but also of Jewish experience. If the translator does not understand what both Scholem and Rosenzweig consider the centre of Judaism, i.e. Messianism, his translation will appear cold and devoid of soul. The distance between the text to be translated and the present reader will be filled not so much by avoiding difficulties as by maintaining the unfamiliar character of the tales or poems, as if they were beyond time, while making them less extraneous.


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How to Cite
Kajon, I. (1) “Tornare alle fonti nell’arte del tradurre. Scholem sull’jiddish, Rosenzweig sull’ebraico arabizzante”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 8(2). Available at: (Accessed: 22February2025).