Du Lycée au Musée : l’utilisation des concepts rhétoriques aristotéliciens dans la philologie alexandrine

  • Guillaume Tedeschi
Keywords: Aristarque, scholie, philologie alexandrine, critique textuelle, fragments


In this article, I proceed to the analysis of two scholia to the Greek poet Hesiod that contain elements of the Aristarchus’ discussion about the authenticity of some verses. The aim is to analyse the alexandrine philologist’s arguments presented to support his hypotheses and, more specifically, to show how he uses, in an original way, concepts developed by Aristotle in his Poetic and Rhetoric as a tool for textual criticism. The first part of the article will be devoted to a description of the ancient textual criticism sources (scholia and fragments) on which I will base my development, and of their particularities. The second part will show how Aristotelian rhetorical concepts could be the argumentation basis for Hellenistic scholiasts. Finally, this paper aims at highlighting the distance between our modern philological approach and the ancient practice, and the precautions that should be taken these texts are considered.


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How to Cite
Tedeschi, G. (1) “Du Lycée au Musée : l’utilisation des concepts rhétoriques aristotéliciens dans la philologie alexandrine”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 31March2025).
Philologie et rhétorique : applications littéraires