La nozione di “mente estesa” tra scienze cognitive, semiotica e pragmatismo. Alcune riflessioni a partire dal tema del linguaggio

  • Marta Caravà


In this paper, I will investigate the notion of mind within the “Extended Mind” theory, as it is defended by Andy Clark. The aim is to provide an explanation of its key ideas and to highlight some of its consequences. In the first part I will briefly explain the main features of Clark's theory. In the second part, I will discuss his account of the nature of language and its relationship to cognition, and I will relate it with the arguments for cognitive and mental extension. Then I will use my analysis of Clark's arguments in order to individuate some problems, which characterize his philosophical position. Although I am sympathetic with his theory, I will argue that it is nonetheless committed to a narrow account of cognition and mind. For this reason, I will propose a way to integrate Clark's theory within a semiotic and pragmatist framework inspired by C.S. Peirce. I suggest that, if we conceive the cognition as a semiotic sense-making process, we can provide a broad account of cognition and a fully externalist position about mind


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How to Cite
Caravà, M. (2015) “La nozione di ‘mente estesa’ tra scienze cognitive, semiotica e pragmatismo. Alcune riflessioni a partire dal tema del linguaggio”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 0(2). Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).