L’abito in Peirce. Una teoria non sociologica per la semiotica della cultura

  • Anna Maria Lorusso


The article provides a brief review of the uses and definitions of the category of habitus in CS Peirce, in order to show the usefulness of this category to think in semiotic terms (and not sociologically) some kind of cultural phenomena, such as memory problems. In particular, I will reflect on the meaning that for Peirce has the common sense, on the relationship between habitus and imagination and on the general quality of interpetative habits


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How to Cite
Lorusso, A. M. (2015) “L’abito in Peirce. Una teoria non sociologica per la semiotica della cultura”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 0(2). Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).