Abiti d’azione e concetti attraverso la metafora peirciana della fotografia composita: il nesso con l’embodied cognition .

  • Francesco Parisi
  • Paola Pennisi


In the end of xix century, some intellectuals of Peirce’s group begin to use composite photographs to create statistically relevant images. This attempt was clearly unsuccessful, but Peirce was strongly suggested by this kind of representation. He begin to use composite photography like a metaphor for his general ideas. In this study we analyse some of Peirce’s most important writings in which he use this metaphor. We think that this metaphor can be useful for cognitive sciences. We have, in fact, noted a resonance among some Peirce’s intuitions and some ideas of the embodied cognition theory. In particular we have highlighted the link between perception, experience and action


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How to Cite
Parisi, F. and Pennisi, P. (2015) “Abiti d’azione e concetti attraverso la metafora peirciana della fotografia composita: il nesso con l’embodied cognition .”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 0(2). Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).