On the relationship between sculpture and photography: the Bird in Space photographed by Brancusi

  • Francesca Polacci
Keywords: Brancusi, photography, sculpture, translation, reproducibility


The essay deals with relationships between photography and sculpture with particular regards to some aesthetic and semiotic issues involved in the photography of sculpture.

In the first part of the paper an historical overview about different ways to reproduce a sculpture – engraving, plaster copy, photography – is proposed.

The photography of sculpture can be understood as a translation of the artwork, and it poses a series of unsolved issues. For example, how can a three-dimensional object be rendered in two dimensions without falsify the original sculpture? Which are the differences between a photography that records an oeuvre and one made by a sculptor to his artworks?

The paper concentrates on some photos made by Brancusi to his sculptures. Are these photos an artist’s comment to his oeuvre? How do they affect his sculptural creation?

Brancusi’s photos suggest investigating the idea of authenticity of each sculpture in relation to the reproducibility of the new optical medium. Moreover, Brancusi elaborates, by his photos, a thought about the meaning of the art and on doing art.


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How to Cite
Polacci, F. (2016) “On the relationship between sculpture and photography: the Bird in Space photographed by Brancusi”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 22February2025).