Il peso del framing narrativo nella costruzione del consenso politico / The importance of narrative framing in building political consensus

  • Domenica Bruni
Keywords: Political consensus, frames, narratives, metaphors


The mainstream trend in the investigation of how the political consensus is actually built into societies emphasizes the role of the propaganda techniques. The implicit tenet in this perspective is that the public opinion is manipulable by means of the right communication technique. It seems entirely matter of how language and the other symbolic forms are used in the making of political agenda. In my paper, however, I would like to follow another pathway, i.e, to stress the ways in which political ideas, which actually rule the political discourse, are designed exactly with the aim of influencing the public opinion. In particular, in what follows it will be taken into consideration the role of frames, narratives, and scripts, in the sense George Lakoff firstly noticed. Metaphors, on their part, are both the main cognitive devices to shape ideas into the political discourse, and the ordinary way to categorize our emotions and offer them to other people’s interpretation. It will be show how all these cognitive devices are rooted in corresponding brain networks, which involve both pre-frontal and limbic streams.


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How to Cite
Bruni, D. (1) “Il peso del framing narrativo nella costruzione del consenso politico / The importance of narrative framing in building political consensus”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 10March2025).