Un «linguaggio muto». Osservazioni sulla Teoria estetica di Adorno / A «mute language». Remarks on Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory

  • Claudio D'Aurizio
Keywords: Adorno, aesthetics, art’s language, Frankfurt school, aesthetic theory, mimesis.


Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno has reflected several times on the theme of art’s language (or languages) as a fundamental one. Within the Aesthetic Theory (1970), which is his most important text about aesthetics, it can be found many hints about it. In this paper, our aim is to reinterpret some of the central ideas of Adorno’s aesthetic theory, paying specific attention to the role granted to the linguistic element. More specifically, the paradigm, which holds most of Adorno’s considerations, ought to be seen as the one of a mute language spoke by the works of art. This thesis indeed seems to match with the claims of Adorno about the meaning of a negative aesthetic and with the critical function of art toward the social reality. We believe that this peculiarity goes along with Adorno’s reflection since its beginning. Therefore, it should be considered as a particularly meaningful characteristic of his theory, which allows to understand to which extent the aesthetic experience could be contemplate as one of the last shelters of freedom within a “totally administered society”, as analysed by the philosopher. Eventually, we try to show how this idea should be traced back to the singular meaning of the word ‘mimesis’ in Adorno’s thought. The constellation that gravitates around this concept may explain several aspects of the relation between art and language.


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How to Cite
D’Aurizio, C. (2017) “Un «linguaggio muto». Osservazioni sulla Teoria estetica di Adorno / A «mute language». Remarks on Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 11(2). Available at: (Accessed: 31March2025).