Perché non dovremmo cercare una definizione di “disturbo mentale” / Why we don’t need a definition of “mental disorder”

  • Elisabetta Lalumera
Keywords: Definition, Mental Disorder, Disease, DSM-5, Concepts


Do we need a definition of the concept of mental disorder in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions? In this paper I agree for a negative answer, after providing a brief account of the debate in the philosophy of medicine and psychiatry, and examining the practical and conceptual reasons that have brought philosophers and psychiatrists for having one in the DSM-5.


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How to Cite
Lalumera, E. (1) “Perché non dovremmo cercare una definizione di “disturbo mentale” / Why we don’t need a definition of ‘mental disorder’”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 9March2025).