Il gioco del disaccordo: persuasione, comunità, linguaggio in Wittgenstein e Platone (con un terzo incomodo) / The game of disagreement: persuasion, community, language in Wittgenstein and Plato (with a third wheel)

  • Mauro Serra
Keywords: persuasion, disagreement, politics, Wittgenstein, Plato


Although Wittgenstein in his writings has not explicitly dealt with politics, his thought has urged a wide range of attempts to explore the political meaning of Wittgenstein’s texts. In this perspective, the remarks contained in On Certainty appear particularly promising. Here the Austrian philosopher raises a number of issues of fundamental importance to investigate the nature of the relationship between community and language. In particular, it is the problematic link between persuasion and disagreement to form the subject of numerous remarks of great acumen and relevance. In order to put into perspective the fundamental questions that Wittgenstein faces about the nature of the relationship between language and social practice and the role of both persuasion and disagreement, I propose a comparison between Wittgenstein’s remarks and a passage of Plato’s Protagoras, which, in seemingly very different way, faces similar problems. Through this comparison it will be possible not only to focus on issues that still seem to be rewarding today when investigating on the complex relationship between persuasion, community and language, but also to see a third figure appearing in the background: that of the sophist.


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How to Cite
Serra, M. (1) “Il gioco del disaccordo: persuasione, comunità, linguaggio in Wittgenstein e Platone (con un terzo incomodo) / The game of disagreement: persuasion, community, language in Wittgenstein and Plato (with a third wheel)”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 22February2025).

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