Logiche dell’azione: contenuto e raffigurazione nell’enattivismo radicale e in Wittgenstein / The logic of action: content and representation in radical enactivism and Wittgenstein
Daniel Hutto’s proposal is to compare Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations to Enactive Theory of Mind. In this paper, we try to come back to Hutto’s works on the Tractatus logico-philosophicus. We retain, as Hutto, that there is a strong continuity between early Wittgenstein’s thought and his later conceptions. But we hold that in the Tractatus the more characteristic theses constituting the picture-theory need to receive a greater weight than in Hutto’s reading. Hutto’s insight at any rate will afford in this paper only some hints useful for the development of remarks about the picture-theory that can be considered as independent with regard to their logical and conceptual grounds.Downloads
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