Science and metaphysics. Immanence and transcendence of language
Science and metaphysics, as speech about the world, are also based on the only tool available to all possible speeches, language. They therefore arise in an inter-disciplinary context in which it seems that none of them can have any ambition of greater credibility or paradigmatic precedence towards the other forms of knowledge. Therefore, an analysis of the relationship between science and metaphysics must start from the consideration of language as a conditioning form that precedes any access to reality, be it scientific or philosophical. The necessary presupposition of language is prior to any scientific (and gnoseological) theory or approach, because it precedes any constitution of the subject, which is feasible only starting from the referential and intersubjective use of language, which allows man to constitute himself as a subject and, as such, to place himself in the world. The present investigation addresses the relationship between immanence and transcendence of language, from which derives a theoretical framework of reference for a possible and serene dialogue between the two speeches, in which these are interpreted, not as a dominion, but as a tension, of science towards immanence, recognizing the founding event of the being of things; of metaphysics towards transcendence, presupposing the empirical datum of entities. This would entail a reciprocal openness which, on the political level, rediscovers a fruitful collaboration that excludes any form of coercion and tyranny on the part of a single thought, that is, founded as absolute, incapable of giving answers to everything that is outside its dominion.
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