Interdisciplinarity as language’s Aufhebung: a problem for the philosophy of translation
This paper aims to answer the main methodological challenge issued to scientific research by the interdisciplinary approach: the translation of the technical language among single sciences. To this end, I will consider the case of the German term Aufhebung, whose role within philosophical translation is paradigmatic. Its semantic history, in fact, relies both on internal translation processes of philosophy and on external translation processes between philosophy and other fields of studies. Especially, I will discuss two of these translations: first, the use of the verb aufheben in Hegel’s dialectic and its derivation from Pauline theology through the mediation of Luther’s translation of the Bible; second, Adorno’s use of Aufhebung in the discussion on the form of philosophy as opposed to speculative Konstellation. Through the polyvalence of the word Aufheben, both object and subject of philosophical translation, some ethical and aesthetic aspects of the interdisciplinary work as well as of the role that philosophy can play in current scientific research will be highlighted.
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