Gender differences in storytelling

  • Domenica Bruni
Keywords: Evolutionary Psychology, Gender Differences, Romance Novel, Pornography


Charles Darwin was the first to argue that natural selection affects not only biological structures but also cognitive functions. Evolutionary psychology later showed how this influence involves every aspect of mental activity. The impact of selective pressures is also evident in the human capacity for storytelling. But not all narratives are the same. They, in fact, have different functions from both the individual and social perspectives. There is also an interesting gender difference in human storytelling capacity. Tracing and describing the gender differences present in narratives could be a starting point from which to highlight how the different sexual psychologies underlying our narrative instincts might influence the representation of women and men in the real world.


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How to Cite
Bruni, D. (2023) “Gender differences in storytelling”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. Available at: (Accessed: 22February2025).