Between iterability and assujettissement: performativity in Foucault, Butler and Derrida
The focus of this paper is the relationship between language and subjectivity in the thoughts of Foucault, Butler and Derrida. Starting from Foucault’s reflection that thematises the inextricable relationship between power and language, showing how language is not only an instrument of power but power itself in its operation on the identity structures of the subject, Butler’s thought will be approached. The American philosopher takes up Foucault’s research and develops it by relating it to Austin’s reflection on linguistic performativity. The performativity to which Butler refers, however, is decisively characterised by the deconstructive reading that Derrida makes on the English philosopher’s theory through the concepts of iterability and citationality. These concepts are decisive for the linguistic strategy of resistance to the normalising discourses of power proposed by Butler. Starting from this interpretative strand of performativity, I will conclude by pointing out the unsolved problematics in Butler’s strategy and I will try to indicate a possible way to overcome them, while attempting to trace unexpected points of proximity between Foucault’s and Derrida’s reflections on power and its linguistic dimension.
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