Linguistic competence, communication and dynamics of power. Remarks on the relationship between society and school
Linguistic competence is a fundamental part of the scholastic learning, but today there is an important debate in the Italian society about the level of knowledge of young people in this field. Such an issue is similar to the problems concerning the quality of learning on other subjects, but the linguistic skills are characterized by some specifities. They are a channel for pragmatic relations that are imbued of moral and concrete meanings, with crucial entailments concerning the moral life and the actions that materially are carried out. For this reason it is useful to try to analyze the present attitude of young and adult Italians towards their language, not only by means of the reference to cognitive and intellectual skills, but also in terms of concrete and moral relationships. In this paper I rely on Bernstein's sociolinguistic theory and on Bauman's conception of “liquid modernity” to try to develop this point of view.
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