Traduzione e traducibilità tra lingue dei segni e lingue vocali
Translation is an act of language (MESCHONNIC, 1999). Translating means looking at face to face interaction in order to explore the interplay between the historical, cultural, social and individual dimensions of language. Like communication, translation is a multidimensional creative process where different level of forms (gestures, words/signs, non manual features) and meaning (implicit and explicit) come together, affecting both languages and enhancing new paths of translability. In this study, translation will be investigated in its multidimensional and multimodal nature within the Peircean general theory of sign with the purpose of pointing out its nature of dynamic process, involving a sign, its objects (or referent in reality or “reality”) and the interpretant or the infinite series of interpretants. In particular, this theory will be connected to embodied simulation theory and discussed with reference to the translation between sign and spoken languages as a systematic heuristic device to understand the nature of the process by getting rid of phonocentric paradigms and trying to go to the core of the act of communication and of translation.Riferimenti bibliografici
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