The understanding of “intelligence” between artificial intelligence, philosophy, and theology
The common perception of intelligence is associated with positive values and has historically been considered a unique attribute of human beings in Western philosophy. The connection between calculating machines and intelligence through Turing’s imitation game will kick off John McCarthy’s project on Artificial Intelligence. Since then, the question of how to understand what is commonly called intelligence has been constantly re-proposed. Indeed, the understanding of intelligence is not free from personal and social biases and has even become a worldview that includes anthropology. In the paper, starting from the way of understanding intelligence in the context of Artificial Intelligence, an attempt is made to disambiguate the term in question within the understandings present in Western philosophy and in the Judeo-Christian theology. Through an interdisciplinary examination of various forms of intelligence, such as calculative, intuitive, sensitive, adoring, ethical-wise, and agapic, the paper suggests the possibility of a broader and more integrated understanding into a unitary, transdisciplinary vision. This new perspective can broaden horizons and inspire future creative thinking and research in science, philosophy, and theology.
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