Towards a semiotics of ideological codes. The case of value-words in the Italian PNRR 2021

  • Andrea Ferretti
Keywords: semiotics, structuralism, ideologies, political communication, semantics, values


This paper aims to propose a strategy for the analysis of the semiotic codes that structure the texts of “political communication”. The first part will discuss the theoretical assumptions that define the object of study from the point of view of structural and linguistic-based semiotics. It will deal with the problem of identifying and describing the “units” for the construction of “meaning” and the achievement of the “purposes” that define a communicative process as political. Having affirmed the general semiotic form of this communicative practice and defined the notion of “ideological code”, the second part of the paper will proceed with the exposition of a procedure for the application of these categories to textual analysis. Working on the text of the PNRR2021, we will illustrate how the structure of the ideological code of a text can be reconstructed from the uses of “value-words” and their relationships on the syntagmatic level. The results of this work will show the explicative possibilities and the directions along which it is possible to develop this semiotic viewpoint on political communication.


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How to Cite
Ferretti, A. (2023) “Towards a semiotics of ideological codes. The case of value-words in the Italian PNRR 2021”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. doi: 10.4396/2022SFL02.