Oggetti, atti, linguaggio

  • Maria Grazia Turri


There is a strong link between faculty of perception and language, that it is highlighted by a rhetorical figure as metaphor. A relevant role in this relation is done by context.
Usually we admitted that the language is based on a lot of different languages, we are in front of Tower of Babel. It is without doubt that in our daily life the term “object” is expressed in the plural, thus referring to distinct and different corporalities. A multitude of objects leads to a multitude of perceptive pathways, so that perception as such becomes a unicum, but activates different neural correlations depending on the object in question, and therefore can no longer be expressed in the singular. As for languages we cannot talk about perception but perceptions, and perceptions take on the form of dynamic actions.
Presiding over the world of objects from a heuristic point of view there are two types of neurons: the canonical neurons that are activated in the presence of objects that do not have a motor system and the mirror neurons that preside over the actions linked to the motor system of the subjects (gestures, execution of tasks, emotions, feelings, verbal language) and what subject makes with his body. The body is the file rouge of this paper.


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How to Cite
Turri, M. G. (2015) “Oggetti, atti, linguaggio”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 9(2). Available at: (Accessed: 7March2025).